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On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the incredible achievements of women across all industries. Today, however, we turn our focus to a sector long dominated by men: manufacturing. While strides have been made, women remain underrepresented, making initiatives supporting their advancement crucial. This year, we shine a light on women’s rise in manufacturing, a powerful trend showcasing their talent and potential in this vital field.


This year, we shine a light on three empowering programs that are helping women succeed in manufacturing.





Women in Manufacturing (WiM)


WiM, a global leader with chapters across numerous countries, doesn’t just talk about breaking barriers – they do it. They offer a vast array of programs and resources aimed at every stage of a woman’s manufacturing journey. Scholarships fuel the dreams of aspiring engineers and technicians, while mentorship programs connect experienced professionals with newcomers. Their extensive network fosters support and empowers women to navigate challenges and reach their full potential.


What we love

The sheer scope of WiM’s impact. From local networking events to international conferences, they create countless opportunities for women to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. Whether you’re seeking guidance, industry knowledge, or simply a supportive community, WiM has your back.


Hear it from them

“WiM helped me find my voice and confidence in a male-dominated environment. Their mentorship program connected me with a role model who guided me through technical challenges and career decisions,” shares Sarah Jones, a young engineer who credits WiM for her success.


Get involved

Visit, explore chapter opportunities, and find out how you can contribute to their mission.




The Manufacturing Institute’s STEP Ahead


Focused on fostering the next generation of women in manufacturing, The Manufacturing Institute’s STEP Ahead initiative is a beacon of hope and opportunity. Through scholarships, internships, and career exploration programs, they introduce young women to the diverse and rewarding world of manufacturing. The initiative not only empowers them with technical skills but also cultivates confidence and leadership qualities.


What we love

Their focus on young women. By nurturing their interest early on, STEP Ahead paves the way for a future where women are driving innovation and leading the manufacturing industry.


Hear it from them

“The STEP Ahead internship program opened my eyes to the incredible career possibilities in manufacturing,” says Maria Garcia, a high school student who participated in the program. “Now, I’m excited to pursue a degree in engineering and build a future in this dynamic field.”


Get involved

Visit and learn about scholarship opportunities, internship programs, and ways to advocate for this initiative.





CME’s Women in Manufacturing


Canada presents a unique opportunity to unlock the potential of women in manufacturing. While women make up nearly half the workforce, they’re significantly underrepresented in manufacturing (29%). CME’s Women in Manufacturing initiative tackles this head-on with a bold goal: increase the number of women in manufacturing by 100,000 by 2030.


What we love

Their data-driven approach and comprehensive action plan. CME goes beyond slogans, identifying five key areas needing improvement:


Bridging the Gap

Empowering women in manufacturing through relatable role models, modernized image, early engagement in STEM/trades, inclusive workplaces, and work-life balance solutions.



Get involved

Visit to learn more and become a champion. Pledge your support, share your stories, and challenge others to join the movement. Together, we can unlock the untapped potential of women and create a thriving, diverse manufacturing landscape in Canada.





Breaking Barriers, Building Pathways


These are just three examples of many incredible programs working tirelessly to empower women in manufacturing. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, remember that your support, whether through volunteering, donations, or simply spreading awareness, can make a difference. Let’s join hands and create a future where women play a leading role in shaping the exciting world of manufacturing.

Together, we can shatter the glass ceiling and pave the way for a more diverse and vibrant industry!